
Posts Tagged ‘Contradiction’

Reflecting on the First Annual UW Bothell Innovation Forum

March 2, 2012 Comments off

Now that the first annual Innovation Forum is behind us, I sat down one morning after the dust had settled and tried to boil down what I had taken away from the whole experience.  The first feeling I have is appreciation for the amazing work done by the planning committee: Dinah Aldrich, Melissa Arias, Peggy Brown, Ann Cox, Lauren Dun, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Mat Lam, and Linda Taylor.  They were a dream team and a joy to work with.  The credit for such a marvelous event belongs to them.  The second feeling is gratitude for the community of staff, faculty, and students that together make up this wonderful campus, many of whom contributed their expertise and energy to exploring innovation in all its manifestations.  Thank you!

Then I thought of a stunningly un-innovative way of condensing my own take-aways from this past year of reading and listening into a short frame: a top-ten list of what organizations might do to foster innovation.  So here it is:

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